To protect your account from unauthorised access, a unique 6 digit code will need to be sent to you. Please select how you would like to receive this code:
Click 'Send Code' to receive your unique 6 digit code. Enter your code into the open field and click 'Validate Code'
An email has been sent to the email address associated with your Everyday Mobile from Woolworths account. If you do not receive an email within 2 minutes, please request it again.
If you no longer have access to receive the code via the SMS or Email listed above, please click 'I am unable to receive a code to complete 2-Step Verification' below to complete an additional authentication process. We apologise for the inconvenience but this process is important for your security
An SMS has been sent to the selected mobile number on your Everyday Mobile from Woolworths account. If you do not receive an SMS within 2 minutes, please request it again.
If you no longer have access to receive the code via the SMS or Email listed above, please click 'I am unable to receive a code to complete 2-Step Verification' below to complete an additional authentication process. We apologise for the inconvenience but this process is important for your security
If you are unable to receive a code via SMS or email right now, we'll need to manually verify your identity. It can take up to 5 business days for our team to review your ID documentation.
Click the 'Upload Documents' button and upload either:
In order to continue, you must update all documents at once (scanned color copies of the original document, we do not accept digital version) and cannot upload more than 5 documents. We accept the following file types: pdf, png, jpg and jpeg. Files must not exceed 5MB in total. If your attached documents meet these requirements a 'Continue' button will appear.